💕 When you purchase, we automatically give 2% back to charity, thanks to our DailyKarma integration and #shopforgood!
💕 No strings and no extra cost to you! Let's do some good together!
💕 Look for the "Select causes" button at the top of your shopping cart!
💕 American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association - #AmericanAutoimmuneRelatedDiseasesAssociation
💕 American Bird Conservancy - #SaveAPlaceForBirds
💕 ASPCA- American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - #aspca
💕 Dogs on Deployment - #dogsondeployment
💕 Epilepsy Foundation of Texas - #epilepsyfoundationoftexas
💕 ERASE Child Trafficking - #erasechildtrafficking
💕 Foundation for Women Warriors - #foundationforwomenwarriors
💕 Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank - #brfoodbank
💕 Habitat for Humanity - #habitatforhumanity
💕 Houston Food Bank - #houstonfoodbank
💕 Locks of Love - #locksoflove
💕 Mississippi Food Network - #mississippifoodnetwork
💕 National Center for Missing & Exploited Children -#nationalcenterformissingandexploitedchildren
💕 No Kid Hungry (Share Our Strength) - #NoKidHungry
💕 Paws With A Cause - #pawswithacause
💕 Promised Land Dachshund Sanctuary - #promisedlanddachshundsanctuary
💕 Special Olympics - #specialolympics
💕 St. Jude Children's Research Hospital - #stjudechildrensresearchhospital
💕 Sunshine Kids Foundation - #sunshinekidsfoundation
💕 Warrior Canine Connection - #warriorcanineconnection