
Southern Gent - An Exquisite Peach Ruddy Suds Beard Wash


Southern Gent Scent Profile:  Peach & Fir

It's science....beard hair has a different PH balance than the hair on your scalp.  That said, using regular shampoo and conditioner on your facial hair can make your beard and mustache dry and brittle, causing breakage to what can potentially be years of growth.  Who wants to start over because of that?  Make the Ruddy choice and wash your mane with this special premium blend of Ruddy Suds.  For most beards, every other day is sufficient to keep hair clean, fresh, and manageable. 

Each 8oz bottle of Ruddy Suds contains:
Ingredients:  Water, Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Palm Kernel Flakes, Potassium Hydroxide, Castor Oil, Citric Acid, Vitamin E, Glycerine, Essential and Fragrance Oils, & Pure Willpower. Use as directed.  


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